
Homework: In a foreign language class, it is important to work on a continuous basis.  Since language study is cumulative (like math), you should spend at least 10-20 minutes per day learning the language (homework, review of grammar, and vocabulary), instead of 5 hours of study right before the test.  Thus, you should prepare your homework (either oral or written) in a timely manner in order to demonstrate understanding and receive a grade of advanced or proficient.
  • Homework is due at the beginning of class the day after it is assigned (unless otherwise specified).
  • Late work – may or may not earn credit
  • Projects (family tree, weather report, dialogues, commercials, body parts, etc.)
  • Extra opportunities to demonstrate proficiency may be earned for speaking and writing in French, participating in cultural activities, and attending specific activities throughout the year.
 Participation: You cannot learn a language just by listening – you MUST speak as well.  This is in essence what you are studying in French class.  Each day, you will be given multiple opportunities to practice what you are learning and learn while you are practicing.  In order to make progress and to create a true French community in the classroom, it is necessary for you to be present (remember that absences will affect your participation grade), to participate actively and to contribute productively to class discussions and activities. The class participation grade is a large portion of your standards based grade.  Each class, you will earn participation points.  You earn these participation points if you volunteer answers whenever I indicate that an activity is a participation point activity.  It is not necessary that your answer is perfectly correct to receive points, but it should not be completely wrong either.  The purpose is to orally attempt the French language as much as possible.  Please note that you will lose participation points if you find yourself off-task, inattentive, don’t know where we are in an activity, not completed assignments that prepare you for participation, or shout out answers without being recognized.  Thus, you always need to come prepared to class and not be shy about volunteering as that is how you will receive your participation grade.  Also, if you come to class unprepared (no books/supplies) you will lose two participation points (regardless of your excuse). 

Quizzes: Quizzes will be given weekly.  They are short and if you participate in class and keep up with the simple daily practices and vocabulary, you should have no trouble scoring very well on the quizzes.  Thus, it is imperative to practice vocabulary on a daily basis.


Exams: In order for you to learn a foreign language effectively, you need to be able to learn the structure and logic that underlies its grammatical system (i.e. the system of knowledge that enables you to communicate successfully with other people).  That is why the learning and understanding of grammar holds such great importance in a language class.  Students will be assessed with a variety of means (listening, writing, speaking, and listening) as well as other details concerning culture, vocabulary, etc.  Exams will be given at the end of each quarter covering material discussed in class and assigned as homework.  These exams will be announced in advance as they may either take one class or more periods to complete.  Therefore, if you are absent the day before an exam, you will be expected to take the exam with the rest of the class!